HOTLINE: +49 2131 71806-0 • Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 17:00 pm CUSTOMER SUPPORT

Right of Revocation

You have the right to revoke the agreement within fourteen days without giving any reasons.

The period of revocation is fourteen days commending at the day on which you or a third party charged by you, other than the carrier, have/has acquired the material possession of the goods. In case the agreement pertains to several goods, which you ordered in one order and which are delivered separately, the period of revocation shall commence on the day on which you or a third party charged by you, other than the carrier, have/has acquired material possession of the last good.

In case the agreement pertains to delivery of goods in several separate consignments or in parts, the period of revocation commences on the day on which you or a third party charged by you, other than the carrier, have/has acquired material possession of the last separate consignment or part.

In order to exercise your right of revocation, you have to inform us (MWH GmbH, Hansemannstraße 37, 41468 Neuss, Tel.: +49 2131 71806-0, Fax: +49 2131 71806-11, e-mail: by way of clear notification (for example by letter to be sent by mail, fax or e-mail) of your decision to revoke the agreement. For this purpose, you can use the sample revocation form, but you have no obligation to use this form. You can also use the website for submitting the sample revocation form or another clear notification. If you take this opportunity, MWH shall send you a confirmation of receipt of such revocation without delay (for example by e-mail).

To observe the period of revocation it is sufficient that you send the notice of exercise of the right of revocation before expiry of the period of revocation.

Consequences of Revocation

In case you revoke the agreement, MWH shall be obliged to refund to you all payments MWH received from you, including delivery costs (not including any costs resulting from the fact that you selected a type of delivery other than the low priced standard delivery) without delay and at the latest within fourteen days as of the day on which MWH received your notice of revocation from the agreement. In order to refund the payments, MWH shall use the same means of payment you used upon the initial transaction, unless agreed otherwise with you. In no case fees will be charged to you due to the refund.

MWH may refuse to refund the payments until it has received the goods back or until you provided evidence that you sent the goods back, whichever occurs earlier. You shall be obliged to send the goods back or to hand them over without delay and at the latest within fourteen days as of the day on which you informed MWH of the revocation to the warehouse of MWH (MWH GmbH, Flinsbacher Straße 1, 74921 Helmstadt-Bargen). The period shall be deemed observed if you dispatch the goods before expiry of the period of fourteen days.

You shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods.

You shall only be obliged to pay the costs of any diminished value of the goods if such diminished value results from handling of the goods which is not necessary in order to check the condition, characteristics or functioning of the goods.

Sample Revocation Form

(In case you would like to revoke the agreement, please fill in the form and send it back.)

Hansemannstraße 37
41468 Neuss
Tel.: +49 2131 71806-0
Fax: +49 2131 71806-11

  • I/we (*) herewith revoke the agreement on the purchase of the following goods (*)/ on the provision of the following services (*) concluded with me/us (*)
  • ordered on (*)/received on (*)
  • name of consumer(s)
  • address of consumer(s)
  • signature of consumer(s) (only if on paper)


(*) please delete as applicable